Types of varicose veins: Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4. What is yours?
Varicose veins, or as they are also known, peripheral venous insufficiencies, are dilations of the veins that for different reasons cannot fulfill their function of transferring blood back to the heart. For this reason, the blood accumulates in them causing them to dilate, causing discomfort and pain in those who suffer from them.
Although we generally use this term to refer to those that appear on the legs, varicose veins can arise in other areas of the body, such as the esophagus, face, etc. But…
What are the causes of varicose veins?
The cause varicose veins is unknown.
Secondary varicose veins can appear due to:
Destruction of venous valves. They are seen in patients who have had a previous deep vein thrombosis that has destroyed the venous valves.
Difficulty for the venous return of blood to the heart. This difficulty causes the blood to be retained inside the leg veins causing them to dilate. It is observed in pregnancy, obesity, etc.
Varicose veins are more common in:
Advanced ages.
People a of time on their feet.
Obese people.
When there is a history of varicose veins in another family member.
For an adequate treatment we can recommend combining the treatments according to the patient. What types of varicose veins are there and how are they classified?
Types of varicose veins °varicose veins stages°
Depending on their appearance and size, we can distinguish four degrees or types of varicose veins:
Grade I (Spider veins or varicose veins)
Due to their fine size and poor visibility, this type of varicose veins is generally only an aesthetic problem. Sometimes these varicose veins or spider veins can produce in the person a slight feeling of heaviness or tiredness of the legs.
It is recommended in this type of venous insufficiency to follow some advice or tips for its prevention, thus avoiding that they worsen over time.
Possible treatments: Vascular Laser, can also be combined with Sclerosing Technique if convenient.
Grade II
At this second level, the veins do not maintain an optimal circulation flow, so they dilate and become more and more visible. At this point the first symptoms begin to be noticed such as:
Heaviness and tiredness in the legs.
Sensation of heat or itching and stinging.
At this stage, if the disease is not treated, the veins will continue to dilate and spread, potentially complicating and threatening the person's health.
Possible treatments: Vascular Laser, Sclerosing Technique and Technique with Medical Glue
Grade III
After a long period suffering from grade II varicose veins, a third grade appears in which the veins are more dilated, tortuous and visibly very unsightly.
At this level, the symptoms progressively increase, manifesting with swelling, edema and notable changes in the color of the skin.
Possible treatments: Vascular Laser, Sclerosing Technique (liquid type or foam type) and Medical Glue Technique.
Grade IV
This degree of the disease already presents serious pain, swelling and ulcerations, making it easier for the person to be susceptible to any infection since the wounds manifest externally.
It is a critical point of the disease in which an intervention will be necessary to alleviate the problem since otherwise it could trigger a pulmonary embolism, in some cases costing the life of the person.
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